Monday, May 18, 2009

*Bang Head Here*


(Aly of course!)

  1. Ms Javelin
    Why? SHE IS AN IDIOT. THIS PAPER WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE WEEKS AGO, but she has CONTINUALLY FAILED. Reading through her comments on my paper, I seriously doubt her qualification to teach a higher-level English class.
  2. Mrs Eggburt
    Why? Somehow, she manages to KNOW that I am quitting orchestra next year; I don't think I've said anything of the sort to her. I am "signed up" for it, so she wouldn't know that way. I have no idea. She's punishing me though, by putting me in the back and CHOMPING on me whenever she can.
  3. English
    Why? See number one. Ms Javelin is an idiot. I don't have time for this. I'm okay with the reading. I'm not okay with the bad grade, the bad teacher, or the evil paper. NOT. OKAY. AT. ALL.
  4. Math
    Why? I am SO CLOSE to an "A"! Mostly, it's annoying me because this REVIEW BOOKLET we have to do for homework.
  5. People Who Get Cars When They Turn 16
    Why? NOT. FAIR. We'll call it jealousy. Whoo. *shame* (I'm just in an annoyance-mood so bear with me).
  6. People Who Don't Text Me Back
    Why? Obviously, I want to talk to you. Obviously, I would like you to want to talk to me as well. Obviously, that's not the case.
  7. My mother.

Because I refuse to only be Annoyed.

  1. Old Typewriters
    Why? Clack clack clack clack DING! They are such HAPPY appartuses (apparati?)! The smell of ink, the sound of typing... so awesome.
  2. Pandora
    Why? Angry music, thinking music, whiny music, happy music. All at the same place. Best website ever.
  3. Math
    Why? I know this makes no sense, because it is an annoyance, but it is also a Joyance. I've gotten two GOOD GRADES on tests/quizzes recently, and that makes me feel much less stupid. I also have a better math grade than I have in english, which makes me more annoyed at english and less at math.
  4. Soft Batch Cookies
    Why? I think these are a week or more old, and they still taste DELICIOUS.
  5. Hugs That Last Longer Than Two Minutes
    Why? MORE LOVE! YAY! :)
  6. Getting Out of After School Orchestra Early
    Why? Escape from Mrs Eggburt
  7. Cell Phones That Have Music Libraries
    Why? "Hey, You There!" is always a great addition to lunchtime.
  8. People Who Save You Pages In Their Yearbook Because They Know You Have That Much To Say
    Why? I love filling pages! YAY!
  9. Even Numbers
  10. Wait, that is an Odd Number. Must Add One To List. Here it is. Right Here. This. OH I REMEMBER NOW! ---> Complicated and Genius Plans.

So, there you go. Joyances and Annoyances. I'm still more annoyed than joyed, but that's how the not-Soft-Batch-cookie crumbles. (I'm so ADD).

Hope everybody had a great day!

Quote for Today:
"Pardon me my eye."


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