Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi guys
(: tis molly/sickie #(I think 3) sick like everyone else except I have almost no voice now.

So apparently I licked a pig and didn't know it and now I have swine flu except I don't. Why is it that EVERYONE at school is like "SWINE FLU! *snickersnicker* SWINE FLU! YOU HAVE SWINE FLU! *snickersnickersnicker* if you sneeze or cough or something. NOBODY I KNOW OF HAS THE STINKIN SWINE FLU!!!
I is currently talking to Aly & making an attempt at giving advice to Roxane which is bad because I FAIL at advice. WHY DO PEOPLE ASK ME OF ALL PEOPLE FOR ADVICE?!<--interrobang :D win.


Today mom made me go to school for 1st-3rd period & i can barely talk so I borrowed a white board & dry EASER marker & a piece of old shirt from Mrs. Tinycoiff. It was convenient :) but I WANT MY VOICE BACK!
Anyways I went to ze dentist at noon feeling pooey. I've never had a cavity in my life (still none) & then we ran a couple errands and I had to go to the orthodontist. I had a bone to pick with him since my positioner comes out of my mouth EVERY NIGHT. I find it in all sorts of places in the mornings. Sometimes I find it under the pillows, other times it's on the floor...one time it was in my shirt. I have no idea how it got there o.O

I doubt I'll be going to school tomorrow so the Coalition of Sickies needs to be united. I'm going to stop now. I forgot everything else I was going to say.

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