Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Theory of Plaid


It's Aly again, but that will probably change at some point in this blog. Molly's currently playing with Jake, so...

We ask boys if they wear plaid. Plaid... boxers.

Reason being, I had an amusing conversation with Pandaberry about boxers, and I noted that it seems like a lot of boys wear plaid. Particularly nerdboys. Upon sharing this conversation with Molly, the Theory of Plaid was established.

Basically, it's this:


This was proven by a few people:
- Bingo
- Hosef (but not boxers? o.O)
- Astronaut
- Crant
- Benjamin
- Bump
- King Toast

Until this morning, when Dumbo decided that he does NOT wear plaid (I quote: "Not at all really." LAME!), which disproves the Theory of Plaid. And he's the ultimate (basically) nerdboy! It's all WRONG! R-O-N-G!

The Theory of Plaid absolutely HAS to be correct! Because if it's not, it will sorta disprove the validity of other Theories, which is NOT cool, because I am rather fond of the other theories.

Fail, Dumbo!

HI WORLD! This be Molleh. Aly is currently writing a list of people we mention in ze blog so we don't get all confused...because we have the superamazing ability to confuse ourselves. We is listening to Hey Jude from the Across the Universe soundtrack. Tis awesome.

The other day I was at school and we were taking a really important test when a GIANT CHICKEN attacked from the ceiling! He fell through the roof and screamed HEY! YOU THERE! and my teacher screamed her head off...literally. Then the janitors all rushed in and painted the walls gold with spraypaint. Suddenly 58743920 flourescent pink ducks came sprinting (yes sprinting) through the windows and threw their feet at Mr. Potato Head who then proceeded to give everyone in the class 69 pages (single spaced) of essay of how much more awesome his teaching style was than Mr. Baked Ziti's. It was CrAzY! I grammed out of the room faster than a water buffalo running away from a squirrel!

Well that was fun. Hey guess what there are pens and pencils in this drawer here. AND THE DESK IS WRITTEN ON IN DRY EASER MARKER! (that was Aly for 2 seconds, now she will *poof*) aw :( mah tbgaaaaa! she poofed. WHAT EVER SHALL I DO?!?! <--DOUBLE INTERROBANG! WOOHOO!

Anyways we must skskskskskidaddle now.
<3 MAlly

Note: "HEY! YOU THERE!" is stolen from "Hey You There" by Souljaboy Tellem (which Aly heard on Louish's phone that caused her to laughlaughlaugh). :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is made of awesome.