Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hawaiian Sweet Rolls


Dumbo finally gave me an answer. Not the one I wanted, but I'm honestly okay with it. It makes sense and I understand that it is the best decision for both of us. I missed him as a friend, so I'm glad things are back to normal(ish) now. Though it makes me sad that if circumstances were a bit different, the answer might have been, too. Can't change it; he's leaving in a day anyway.

Molly, being my twin, got me HAWAIIAN SWEET ROLLS at the grocery store yesterday! She brought them to me this morning. I'm almost done now. I shared... some... O:). They are my version of "crack"; just like Jedi Princess's "crack" is cheddar/sour cream chips. AMAZINGNESS.

My english exam (powerpoint...which was more fail than I wanted it to be due to INTERNET FAILURE because of that storm last night...lightning hit my house and it was very scary and insane and such.) is OVER, and I had a laugh attack near the end of King Toast's because he was demonstrating "sneaking around to find food" and I -laughlaughlaugh-ed. I may have been the only one who couldn't stop laughing... as always. :)

After lunch (where I saw Dumbo/talked to him sorta and got hugs and then a large group of people left campus, not sure if they left "legally" or not but whatever. I had a note to go at 2 and I didn't want to get in trouble so I didn't.) and the COMPLETELY FAIL MATH REVIEW, I signed out, only to discover that my family FORGOT ABOUT ME. So, I went to the guidance office and picked up my MASSIVE MATH TEXTBOOK for the stupid online class I have to take over the summer because of France (<3) and it is BIGGER THAN MY CURRENT MATH BOOK, which is R-O-N-G, WRONG. [ESPECIALLY since this math class is basically three chapters of my current math class...]

Andddd then I sat outside for too long and a dude I haven't talked to in a very long time because he randomly FIMed me once and it was rather creepy of him started talking to me; I started texting people and then Elphaba convinced me to come to the band room, where they were playing various card games.

I really have to wonder, what is UP with band kids and card games? Is it some moth-to-light thing? Elphaba and I listened to songs on her ipod and learned how to swing-dance, sorta. It looks really silly when you don't have a partner, which is why we wanted to learn it. :D

Edward complains that he has two favorite songs right now; I think that's pretty reasonable, since I have about five favorite songs right now. YAY! (He also informs me that I am very ADD and he wrote very nice things in my yearbook on the Pepsi page that I've been trying to convince people to sign on for awhile, but nobody has been awesome enough.)
(Elphaba is partially to blame. Her and Youtube and Pandora. They just keep ADDING to the list!)
  1. "Let Go" by Frou Frou
  2. "Fighting for Nothing" by Meg & Dia
  3. "Headlock" by Imogen Heap (AND the video is amazing!)
  4. "Die Alone" by Ingrid Michaelson
  5. Nearly any Imogen Heap or Frou Frou song, basically. Obsession. :) Quite a few Meg & Dia songs as well ("Monster" is about creepers which is basically amazing.)

Elphaba and I are so weird, which is cool... because what we are weird about is something that is rather useful to maintaining sanity. Too bad Dorothy is this brand of weird; it would be easier for her that way. Movie Night time soon, I hope... except I'm SUPER BUSY this weekend.

Flailure ABANDONED ME the other day to go to CALIFORNIA with his dad and fraternaltwin (who I may have to Boy-Chomp, depending on his levels of stupidity) and hopefully distract himself from the boy he likes with fun touristy things. I'll have a LOT to catch him up on when he gets back, which is annoying, but sure makes for interesting conversation.

He's my rant-receiver, but really needs this vacation to sort out his feelings for the whore-boy that he's been pining over. The whore-boy that's been messing with his head and heart for a couple weeks. Poor Flailure... it's gotten really awkward for him. Him and his brother keep making nonsense plans with me for randomness next year, which is awesome, but I realize that I could just go to church on Sundays and see them.


Quote for Today:
"I've got an illegal immigrant in my backseat, hurry up!"


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