Monday, June 1, 2009

Unexpected Sadness


Okay, so; you know that teacher that you've had forever and you aren't so in love with their class anymore? The teacher that you often think you may hate, yet you know that you still like them and they're pretty cool. Well... I found out today that teacher... is leaving.

Now, if my eyes would cooperate, I would properly cry and show how upset I am, but I just can't do that. But it's very upsetting and I'm really sad about it and it REALLY SUCKS. I would have said I wouldn't care; I'm quitting her class (yes, it's Mrs Eggburt) anyway, so it doesn't affect me.
But I've had her since SIXTH GRADE and I'm rather attached. She has seen/heard me do EMBARRASSING things (pretty recently... *hides*) and she's known me since I was a really shy, scrawny sixth grader with no friends.

Dumbo and the Band Kids are like "YAY!"; they had her husband and aren't particularly fond of her. That's really sad... we all know she isn't the nicest teacher ever and we don't love her all the time but she CARES about us and wants us to succeed. That's why she pushes us hard, and even if we don't enjoy her class... it's still important. I don't know how to rationalize it.

Anyway, I'm sad...

The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook; I bought it with change during the expedition into nerd-dom with Rorito yesterday. :)

(Quick Drama Update: Flailure is having boy troubles, Bingo is having man-whore confusion, Elphaba doesn't like Fiyero anymore and may tell the guy she likes now that she likes him, and Dumbo is leaving too soon for my liking.)

... My eyes just decided to cooperate with my mood. They seem to be leaking. :'(


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