Now, I would not say today has been an AMAZING day, because it certainly hasn't.
Exams and study sessions and all.
Y'know, I have never considered myself a "morning person", but I'm discovering that I'm not exactly NOT a morning person.
Due to weather and coloring books, Molly and I did not run yesterday afternoon, as we originally planned. My dad had mentioned to me that I should run in the morning, so that is what we decided to do.
So, each of us got up at 6:00 (as in AM) and went running.
This run wasn't about pace, length (time or distance), or the course. It was about running for the sake of the experience. To train for cross-country and to center ourselves.
If you have NEVER run for the sake of running, please, get a pair of running shoes and go. Don't plan where you're running. Just have your time and know where to start. Have music if you need it (I do). Take it slow. Run as long as you feel like it. Walk if you need to. Stop and stretch. Run again when you're ready. You could say it's a jog-- but the mentality of it; the feeling of flying and the will to drive forward, that's all running. That's you on the road when the sun's low in the sky, alone, seeing only the mist rising above the lake and the green of the woods in spring. Those are your feet on the wet pavement; your legs propelling you forward; your breathing. That is your heartbeat in your chest, giving you strength. And when it's over, that is your sweat that you wipe off your face. Those are your muscles; stronger. Your mind is calm. Your body hurts. And that is a freaking amazing run.
Go run. Run early, before anybody else.
You won't regret it.
I don't, and I know Molly agrees.
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