Friday, June 12, 2009

We Are The Champions


NO MORE SCHOOL. Well, sorta.

So far, this summer has been AMAZING and I really hope it continues :)

My last exam was a Algebra II, which is an EOC class... and the exam period was HOURS LONG. It was FREEZING COLD in there, and I was isolated off in the corner by the wall, which meant that I got the FULL BLAST of the A/C (and I was in shorts and t-shirt, prepared for the room to be sweltering like it always is) and therefore became an uncomfortable ice cube for three hours. Twas not fun.

After the exam ended (after a few interruptions by annoying people who celebrated the end of the school year while the lucky EOC classes were still testing...*hate*), I met up with Bingo, Rhymenoceros, Crant, Finch, Astronaut, and Molly and we walked to the local Mexican restaurant. (Dumbo was being lame and left without really even saying goodbye to Bingo, who is his best friend... really? FAIL.)

The walking was pretty fun in itself; there was randomness, crazy running (because MAlly and Astronaut run XC; Crant's a sprinter), and lunch lead to amazing quotes. Bingo decided that Rhymenoceros wins the creepy competition out of the seven of us, though Molly and I (as MAlly) come in second, and Astronaut is third-creepiest. [Rhymenoceros only proved that later, but I'll get to that.]

Once lunch was over, Finch and Rhymenoceros unexplicably disappeared, while the rest of us went to the Park, where we met up with Yos, Bluefly, and peeps (I'm too lazy to come up with blog names for the rest of them right now, so...). Molly and I decided that since our old middle school was right there, we might as well go pay a visit. That was fun (we had to run all over trying to find teachers) but it was kind of sad because some/most of them didn't remember us immediately, or at least what grade we were in. We forgive them though, because they are still awesome. We stole all of Chuck's tootsie roll pops that he keeps for his students because he owes us from the many times we've visited him before and he didn't have any.

Upon returning to the park, Molly fell in mud and injured herself, so she decided that we would go creek-romping. We invited Astronaut, Crant, and Bingo along, and once everybody disbanded to go wherever, Astronaut walked home, and Crant's mother picked the rest of us up so that Crant and Bingo could get romp-clothing.

Under NORMAL circumstances, having four (hyper) teenagers in the car would be dangerous... but when we actually proved why, there was only three of us (Molly, Bingo, and I).

We found really melted chocolate in my purse, and somehow we decided to smear it all over each other... while still in the car. We then proceeded to have a chocolate war and got chocolate all over our faces and each other, and generally made a rukus. It smelled AWFUL; apparently the scent of sweaty teenagers, melted chocolate, and hot car is gross (who knew? =P), so the three of us had to clean up in Crant's kitchen. His mom didn't seem that surprised, though she and Crant seemed a bit horrified by the astonishing amount of chocolate that we had on us. It took quite a while to get it all off, and even then, we still smelled like chocolate.

(Then we went to Bingo's house and nothing interesting really happened, other than MAlly fridge failure and Bingo creeping Molly and Crant as they had an *ehrm* moment on the back of his car.) Bingo transported Crant, Molly, and I as illegal immigrants (SHHH!) and we had fun car adventures blasting music on his retarded radio and playing mind tic-tac-toe, which I am still not very good at.

When we (finally) got to Molly's house, we learned that Astronaut had already been there for close to 20 minutes (poor guy). Molly and I changed into romp-clothing (there was a moment of awkward that was even awkward for us, but don't go trying to figure out what) and then the five of us went to the creek.

The water was REALLY HIGH (higher than the last time we took Astronaut and Crant romping) and VERY MUDDY and VERY cold. But of course, it was still amazingly fun. (We had a mud-fight, which was really fun and involved mud-love.)

Later, we returned to Molly's house to rinse off, run around like idiots, eat, and play with the hose in her driveway. Rhymenoceros and two of Bingo's other friends creeped Molly's house by driving through EVERY neighborhood along the road that they knew she lived off of until they found us. They then kidnapped Bingo (to take him to a concert at the RibFest), and left Crant, Molly, Astronaut, and I to have much less fun that before. We basically ended up in the basement, where Crant and Molly shared a blanket and made Astronaut and I feel awkward.

Eventually, Astronaut's dad came to get him (since he had ridden his bike to Molly's) and Molly's mom drove Crant and I home, though she EXPLODED first, so that was a really awkward car ride. I abandoned the poor guy to her mercy because I got dropped off first... poor guy.

(Sometime that day, I got sunburnt...and it was only the first day of summer... fail.)

Not as awesome as Friday, but only because Molly and I (as well as all the other band/orchestra/chorus kids that actually came) had to sit through a VERY LONG graduation ceremony while they FROZE US with the air conditioning. (WHY must there always be FREEZING?!) Luckily, Hosef let me steal his jacket (it swallowed me whole) but then I got CHOMPED by Mrs Eggburt for talking to the flutes. And I remembered why we dislike her.

The stupid band director made Pomp & Circumstance FAR TOO COMPLICATED, which made it impossible for us to watch the seniors go by, because usually, if we just play the same thing over and over again, we can just sit there and play mechanically. Argh. So, I didn't get to ogle My Pants as he went by (though I did see him as he walked back to his seat after graduating and he predictably looked adorable). We cheered for people we knew crossing the stage, and Elphaba yelled "McDONALDS!" as Prettyhair crossed the stage, but you couldn't hear her :(. Boringness.
Pomp and Circumstance is SERIOUSLY cruel and unusual punishment. Stupid Dumbo and Bingo weren't there (Dumbo because he moved and Bingo because he SOMEHOW got out of playing YET AGAIN) to suffer with the rest of us.

After the ceremony was over and we were released, I saw some of my senior friends (Orchestra and XC kids, mainly), and then Mr History congratulated me on "singing well" (I'm in I'll miss him next year; the School Board is sending him to a stupid little middle school where they won't appreciate his amazingness. Way to go, School Board; take away the tenured teacher that has been with our school for most of its life.

Rorito and I hung out for awhile and took retarded pictures on her Mac:
Demented Ghosties.

And then Molly and I went to the End of Year/Surprise Going Away Party for our German Friend (we'll call him "Munchen", like Munich, Germany; an amazing city). That was amazingly fun, as expected, and there were A LOT of people there (including Kangaroo-kiddo and Vodkakitten). We made a whirlpool by holding hands and going in a HUGE circle, until it pulled us into the deep end. We also "jousted" and generally acted like idiots.

When we decided to move the party to Animaid's house, Crant had to bike home and change clothes, so Molly and I stalked him there in my car while blasting and singing along with Queen. He wasn't very happy with us. XD (then we got lost, because we have a great sense of direction? o.O)

...and the awesomeness continued.
(I would write about it in detail but I am FAR TOO LAZY.)

SUNDAY: (today)
RibFest with Molly, which was fail until we discovered the hidden corner with the band of awesome. Kitterbee and Bingo (went on a date tonight) showed up in my driveway (CREEPERS, but I'm used to it and expect it sorta, because Bingo has done so before) and kidnapped me. I thought I had misplaced my phone in a salad, and then the three of us went to Rorito's and surprised her. Twas fun and I'm sick of blogging so whatever.

Now I'm eating cake and I have to get up early tomorrow to go get Molly, then go running. YAY XC TRAINING! *blargh*

Online School starts tomorrow, so summer's basically over. w00t. :(

  1. I hope they aren't all fraternal or identical. If that's the case, then I feel very sorry for your uterus. -Astronaut
  2. Bacon? I think not. Me thinks it's the better meat than the bacon! -Billy Buffett (DUDE IN BAND OF AWESOME)

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