Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 3--Delft

Molly In Europe: Day 3

We got a very late start today.

By the time everyone was up, showered, dressed, fed and ready to go, it was about 12:30. We arrived in Delft around 1 and spent forever trying to find a parking spot.

At around 1:30 we went to a convent where the king of Holland was murdered some time ago that nobody remembers because we are Moores and Youngs and our memories fail. Mom decided she wanted a cup of coffee so we went to Kleyweg’s Stads-Koffyhuis for that. (I took a sip too. It was very good.)

After we walked around and saw some other neat places, we decided it was lunch time so we returned to Kleyweg’s Stads-Koffyhuis and had a simply amazing lunch. I had tomato soup with bread and mint tea. We wandered around a while after that looking for a certain store our mothers had been to a while ago, and when we found out that it was closed, we ended up in Outcast which wound up being a pretty successful small shopping excursion. It was then time to come back to the house.

Quote Of The Day:
Me: I'm hungry. what's for dinner?
Sharon: I dunno...
about 15 min later
Sharon: So what's for dinner tonight?


Dearest Tbga,
This is still mostly food.

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