Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 1-Aly

Hiya! Tis Molly, the half in the USA. I'm pretty sure Aly won't be using this blog for a while so it's my precious for the next 6 months.
Aly will be blogging here --> -check it out! It's where her French adventures will be documented.

I hate to admit it, but as depressing as it is right now, I guess it'll turn out to be a good thing. It means I'll have to be me, and she'll have to be her. We'll have to find ourselves rather than hiding behind one another when we don't know who we are.

Aly and I have always identified with each other. It's just the way we are, and it has been that way since 7th grade, and that's least I used to think so.
But see, when the person you've spent 4 years identifying yourself with leaves the country for an extended period of time, it's not. And right now it just flat out sucks because my best friend is gone and everyone else keeps telling me, "You can email, right? You can skype. You can contact her via facebook. It's no big deal."
Frick being positive (at least for now). It's just not the same.
It is too a big deal. I know it'll get better. I've been hearing that for the past 3 weeks. I heard it a million times after the breakup, a million more when the greatest coach in the universe came to practice for the last time in a long time *hoping and praying it wasn't the last time* and a million MORE when my best friend took off to France for the next six months. The best part is that this has all happened in the past 3 weeks...acceptance sucks.
I need my friends. I need their ears and shoulders and supremelymassivegiganticbearhugs because I'm hurting.
But anyways,
day 1 -Aly was interesting.
I was actually dreaming last night (night before last since it's about 12:30am on Christmas eve now) that I had the worst headache of my life & i kept waking up & realizing that I really did have a terrible headache & going back to sleep. Despite the fact that I meant to go to track which started at 10, I slept through my alarm and woke up at 10 & realized that my head hurt like crazy. I would have stayed in bed, but I was meeting an old friend from chorus who graduated last year at Starbucks at about 11. We had been trying to get together since last Friday and I missed her a lot, so it was awesome to get to see her, although it probably would have been more fun if I didn't have a headache or feel dizzy or just flat out crappy. It's okay though because it was totally worth getting out of bed to see her for the first time in a very long time.

After catching up for about an hour, I went home and walked my dogs with my brother. It snowed recently & there are still big ice patches on the trail which have been so frozen, they hold my (rather plump) brother. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time down there. When we came back I did nothing interesting. I cleaned my room and wrapped a present while feeling pretty terrible. woohoo headaches + hiccups.

At about 2:30, Kangaroo & I headed to Bingo's. He wasn't there when we got there, so we snuck into the basement and messed around on his computer until he got there. (We're ninjas.) When he finally arrived, we snacked on some yummy stuff his madre made which was a little scary considering what happened last time I ate something she gave me. We then headed back downstairs to watch Jingle all the Way, There's Something About Mary, & Four Christmases.
We had lots of fun, copied lots of quotes, ate lots of pizza and laughed our heads off. We even ended it all with an epic pillow fight. I accidentally kicked Matt in a place that no male wants to be kicked, and hit him in the throat with a pillow...oops. I guess it was payback for hitting me on the head which felt AWESOME because I've had a headache all day.

OK I'm going to throw this in here-the bathroom is right next to my room and the toilet keeps making weird noises and it sounds like a freaking dragon and it's making me wish I could be a Blufrican and life in Smurf Space Africa (some people understand this. Go see Avatar. Now.)

Overall I'd have to say the day wasn't bad. However, emotions all seem to be magnified at night so when I read Aly's blog, I kinda wanted to bang my head on the desk a few bazillion times.
Here are some amazing quotes from earlier that I don't want to forget:
oh and I'm not going to explain them because they're more fun without explanations...
"If the dog catches on fire, I might pee myself." (the dog caught on fire RIGHT after this was said...but nobody peed so it was okay)
"What happpened?" "THE DOG CAUGHT ON FIRE! *hysterical laughter*"
"I'm really glad he's on top of me."
"Did you make my hole bigger?"
"I've been practicing on Aly"
"Arnold Schwarzenegger was in that movie?"

yepyep. So I'm going to bed now because it's about 1:30 and I have a busy day tomorrow!
Goodnight & Merry Christmas!


Unknown said...

Hello Molleh!

I need your hugs and such, toooooo. *has news and does not like it*
I'm glad you had fun with Mattheeburt and Katlyn, though! :)
[and yes, MAlly Chat can be your precioussssssssssssss]
Sorry you had a rough day other than that :(
Much love

p.s. the shower in our hotel is incredibly fail. I managed to get water all over the bathroom today. and the hairdryer looks like a vaccuum cleaner... it scares me.

MAlly said...

News? o.O & I'm worried about not being able to keep up with it :P but I'll try my best. I have to keep you posted on everything going on here!
I miss you. A lot. *issad*