Monday, July 20, 2009

It Was a Very MAlly Day


Okay, so:
MANY APOLOGIES! to anybody who reads this for our neglect. We're very sorry. [I have the authority to speak for both of us.]

Molly has had a FANTAFREAKINGMAZING summer, but I doubt she'll write about it all here because she's a lazy bum. I wouldn't either, if I were her, so that's okay.
I haven't blogged out of... well, lack of anything to share on here. I have, however, been writing LOTS on my tumblr, so go check it out! [link in the sidebar]

SUMMER... in as few words as possible.
AWFUL! Summer school. Failed math. Passed French, barely. Dad got a job, moved away. I was basically anorexic for a month, and got less than 4 hours of sleep every night for that same month. It wasn't pleasant.

There's a few other things, but insignificant.

SO, now it's my "summer", although summer is really "over" for most people.

LUCKILY, that means Molly is home and so am I, and we FINALLY GOT A MAlly DAY!!!!!!!
Of course this deserves a blog post, after a very prolonged absence!

[Molly gave the layout a thumbs up, so we're keeping it. I don't want to have to spend forever messing with it again, so it may be here to stay. Hope you don't mind?]

And that MAlly day... was a very long time ago, so now I won't talk about it.


What happened was we went to our friend Reharrison's house, intending to have him answer the VERY DIFFICULT QUESTION of which one of us is Smarter, and he avoided it. So, we refused to leave, and ended up staying long enough to watch "Epic Movie". It is a TERRIBLE movie, and you shouldn't watch it, but that was the 2nd time Molly and I have seen it. It was made amusing by our comments, and Reharrison didn't seem to think it was that bad. (He was watching our reactions and laughing at us the whole time.)

He walked us back to Molly's house, and we danced up and down the streets. Twas fun.

Anyway, I have to go do homework now because it's the school year!

I was going to post some quotes, but I forget them. Sorry... They were epic and inappropriate and hysterical. Disappointing, I know.

Muchos amour, if you're still reading this (WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Just kidding. -love-)

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