Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend


Okay, so Molly is BACK! In the UNITED STATES!
Except now she's at Christian Camp with Rorito. They have a cabin with Jamber, the AWFULLY TERRIBLE EX-FRESHMAN from the cross-country team last year!
The SAME girl in regards to whom I said the "F" word... for the first time ever. [interesting story...]

I feel sorry for them. That's awful. It's quite amusing, though. I mean... Jamber... she almost got expelled this past year for indecent *cough* actions while at school. She had/has? a fiance... and two Hispanic guys got into a BIG FIGHT over her. The gym teacher jumped on one of them. o.O


This past weekend was AMAZING, despite the fact that I'm sorta-kinda grounded and I have-or-had (I'm not sure) my driving privileges revoked (by my mother. I was home 7 minutes after curfew on Thursday).

Saturday, July 4th
Happy Fourth of July/
Happy Independence Day

Saturdays are Long Run Days, but because there weren't many people in town, Coach Wow decided that we would run at The Gardens at 9:00 (a compromise time, since we didn't want to get up). Only four people showed up, plus Coach Wow. She promised us a Special Treat if we showed up, but then Debeast emailed everybody the wrong time, so only those of us who showed up to practice on Friday knew what was actually going on.

As it turns out, The Gardens are a good place to have a long run. At least, they were Saturday. We only went five miles, except for Coach Wow and Shuffle, who were like "LET'S GO SEVEN! JALWOULJFFJLA! :D!"

Which APPARENTLY, was a bad idea, because Coach Wow fell and injured herself. They were just running along, all happy and chatting, and then BAM! Coach Wow tumbles over a root, cuts up her elbow, and possibly breaks her arm. Normally, such an occurrance is very rare, due to the fact that we KNOW where ALL THE ROOTS are. I think it was the mental oddness resulting from the extra mileage. Running that far on a different route is bound to mess with your mind.

The battle wound was bleeding quite a bit, so when they came back (at a much more subdued pace), Nico, Mixtape, and I freaked out. It was pouring blood, and looked awful. Coach Wow spent a while testing her elbow for alignment and any serious injury (like a dislocation), even doing half-pushups to make sure it wasn't broken. Our question was "What if it actually is broken?"... that would have hurt quite a bit. Luckily, she's alright.

The Special Treats she brought for us were ... "Special". Popsicles; Strawberry, Cotton Candy, or Lemonade, with a GUMMY CANDY in the tip. The Gummy Candy was brown and squishy... and tasted awful. Yet we each managed to eat two Popsicles anyway; only 35 calories, whoohoo! :D [pshh. Calories.]

Anyway, after returning home and taking a short (coughnicelongwarmcough) shower, Mom's friends started arriving. They were all late, actually. Karin and her boyfriend, Steve (I don't think his name is Steve but I don't remember his name and he seemed like a Steve) arrived, and then Sue and Bob arrived (an hour...or more... later) with their kids, Laura (who I was tutoring in French for a while) and Brian.

Steve is a new addition to the group, but I know Laura and Brian relatively well. Our families hung out around Christmas, and Brian and I had a 3-hour long Mario Kart Wii battle, which I think he won... by a small margin. So generally, I know him as MarioKartBoy, and I dreaded wasting another three hours of lifetime battling him at a stupid game because we are both so competitive that we refuse to admit defeat.

LUCKILY!, we avoided that this time, though I did almost hurt the boy because he's a Close-Minded-Football-Player-Conservative-Jerkwad. We ended up watching Taken downstairs (in the Cave), and he went on a Rant about How Safe America Is In Regards To Foreign Countries. I ignored his comment, and later looked up international crime rates to prove his stupidity. For the record, I was right, and he is incorrect.
Go America: *sarcasm*

Eventually, they left (after Brian and I got into a fight with "Bubbelz", the hardcore 42-oz bottle of Grape Bubbles that Elphaba and I bought at the Dollar Store last movie night), and I fled to Molly's house.

After convincing her parents that we WOULD be home by 7:15 for dinner, Molly and I climbed into my car, only to realize that there was a BIG HUGE RED FIREANT on my seat, heading in the General Direction of my "bahonkus" (as Rorito would say). This, of course, frightened us quite a bit, so we SPAZZZZZED out. There was screaming, jumping, pointing, more screaming, laughter, and yelling. Eventually I banished the ant from the car, and we calmed down enough to buckle up and begin our adventures.

Molly and I drove around for an hour or so, with the intent of creeping people like Bingo, Crant, and Benjamin. This plan failed because Bingo wasn't home, and we knew Benjamin wouldn't be home for awhile. So, we called Our Sophomore, Nwells, and informed her that we'd be coming to see her momentarily. But of course, I got lost in the three blocks from Bingo's house to Nwell's. We called again for directions, before realizing that I had passed it. By the time I parked in her driveway, the two of us were in hysterics again, and Nwells seemed a bit scared for our sanity.

Once we learned that Nwell's older brother wasn't home, we glanced at the time and grammed out of there, slower than a waterbuffalo running a 200 meter race. We scrambled (like eggs) to Benjamin's house to hear about his GIRLFRIEND FROM CAMP IN TEXAS! The story is cute. Shy, awkward, nerdy love. Awww. :)
We realized that we have made a Big Impact on his life, due to his Hug Training. Without the Hug Training, he wouldn't have Hugged his Girlfriend, which would be downright shameful. Thankfully, though, Benjamin is well-skilled in giving and receiving hugs now.

Once we had all the dirt on Benjamin and his Shy, Awkward, Nerdy Love, we proceeded to Crant's house, ran in for five minutes, told him the very abbreivated tale, and then fled once more. We confused his mother; she's used to us barging in and refusing to leave for large amounts of time.
...That's kind of sad, actually.

After consuming Tiny "Great American" (ORGANIC! Therefore okay!) Burgers on Large Sesame Seed Buns (to Compensate), we drove to my house until Molly's parents could pick us up to take us to see Fireworks. Except we forgot about our earlier Grand Scheme to kidnap Benjamin, so we wasted quite a bit of time on the road exiting my neighborhood, stalling with Monkeyface and her parents in the car, looking like a weird cluster of creepy people. Once we finally got ahold of the oh-so-elusive Benjamin, we sped over to his house, picking up him and Griffen, his friend and neighbor, whom Rorito hates for a silly reason.

Then... we went to see Failworks, because there was never a big enough BOOM!, and the show was rather uninteresting. Elphaba had amazing fireworks in FL, but here in NC, they lack enthusiasm or entertainment.

When I got home, Dad and I decided to watch Raising Arizona, which had memorable quotes (I'll put some at the end). I texted some of them to Dumbo and Elphaba, but Dumbo was a Lameface and never responded. He probably was a bit scared. Oh well. Elphaba thought it was funny, but then again, we send retarded quotes to each other on a regular basis. I got really sleepy après (after) drinking purple/indigo soda and eating lots of ice cream, but that wore off quickly once I went to my room. I stayed up until 3 or 4 AM, which is relatively early for me these days, and then slept until 11:30ish the next day.

Sunday, July 5th
Molly and I, being the amazing people that we are, decided to go to a late lunch at the Bagel Bakery, after which, we planned to Creep Bingo and claim our presents from his trip to Costa Rica.

Little did we know, when we entered the Bagel Bakery, that Bingo, as well as Forester, were already there... eating sandwiches. Just like we were about to do. It was a really freakily random coincidental "life-event". There were lots of hugs, and when Molly and I bought Giant Cinnamon Rolls with a Lot of Frosting, the two of them employed begging, pleading, puppy dog eyes, and other methods of beseeching while trying to convince us to share. Eventually, we shared and they proclaimed our great kindness. "Thriller" played, so Forester danced in his seat... but refused to get up to dance, because the choreographer from the play he and Bingo are in was at the Bagel Bakery as well.

Afterwards, the four of us drove to Bingo's house to retrouvez (retrieve) our cadeaux (gifts); Forester and I realized that our cars are Family-- we both have '01 Subarus [he has a Forester, of course; I have an Outback... the same color as his mother's Outback, coincidentally]. He declared that we MUST go "off-roading" sometime. Whee! [Oh, presents! Bingo got me a necklace with pink-orange beads and Molly a dog figure with a sign that says "WELCOME!" in Spanish, except that broke, so SuperDuperGlue.]

Finally, we had to leave... because Molly was leaving for Christian Camp with Rorito, and hadn't finished packing. I drove away just as Rorito came to pick her up.

Monday, July 6th
I couldn't fall asleep until 6:45 this morning, and I was supposed to run at 8:30. I woke up at 9. That's kind of sad, actually.

I wasted most of my day until 4ish, when I drove over to the Theatre to pick up Bingo, and DID NOT GET LOST! (That's new.) We drove to the Grocery Store, where we saw Molly's mom, who gave me 50 million hugs because she misses Molly quite a bit and I'm her "daughter". Kangaroo-kiddo was late, so I ate stinky cheese, which I had to follow up with cookies to get rid of the ew taste. The three of us -illegally ;)- drove around the creepy side of town, upon realizing that the restaurant we were going to was closed.

We eventually ended up at Mayberry's, a local ice cream shop. Bingo failed and copied my food, and then the waitress gave us "God Herpes" (don't ask). Kangaroo-kiddo is a Custard Snob, so we drove to the OTHER side of town (DOWNTOWN!), drove around looking for a parking spot, parked the wrong way, became confused by a parking meter, were frightened by a garbage truck, and finally, thieved custard from her dad's store (where she works). As it turns out, Kangaroo-kiddo does have a reason to be a Custard Snob... SO YUMMY! :D

Randomly, Rhymenoceros called Bingo (they had a Big Fight a few days ago and this was the first time they had spoken to each other since), prompting another trip BACK to the other side of town, to Rhymenoceros's house, where Forester was, too. Kangaroo-kiddo and I weren't invited to stay; Rhymenoceros isn't overly fond of me, it would seem.

The two of us had our revenge though; I now know where Rhymenoceros lives, and Kangaroo-kiddo directed me to Forester's house, where I met his mother. She is quite awesome, and does in fact have a twin car.

Now I've been home for a long time. I haven't accomplished anything except re-designing the blog template. (You like? :)) [Credit goes to some random person on some random site that I really don't remember the name of. oops.]

I have a headache. Ow.
I need to get something down now, though.

I hate insomnia.

  1. Brian [creepily]: "I know what you did last summer."
    Aly: "I know what your mom did last summer."
  2. Dad: "Take 'em in there and tell 'em: if you don't take 'em we're gonna eat 'em."
  3. Bob: "If we had driven for another thirty minutes, we could be in New Hampshire by now!"
  4. Ed: "DON'T YOU COME BACK HERE WITHOUT A BABY!" [Raising Arizona]
  5. Hayseed in the Pickup: "Son, you got a panty on your head." [Raising Arizona]
  6. Bryan: "Now's not the time for dick-measuring, Stuart!" [Taken]

Hope you have a great day! :)
/Sleep well.

P.S. Dad got the job in Nawlins (New Orleans). :'(

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