Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Birthday Tradition

Dear Molly,

I owe you an apology. I forgot about this blog, and the tradition I have of writing you a blog post every year. Worse-- I nearly forgot to wish you happy birthday, and I didn't prove myself to be a Best Friend to you today. I realize now as this day comes to a close that I have no excuse for distance, or at least, nothing good enough. It's your birthday and I've been a crappy friend to you today. I apologize. I hope you can forgive me and accept this reminder of what a ridiculous person I can be--

Click here.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry that our friendship is all fail and... absent lately. That I've been absent lately, in physical and emotional presence. You're my best friend and it's almost like I've abandoned you completely. I'm sure you're sitting there nodding as you read this... but yeah.

Anyway, I hope you had a fabulous day. The weather was beautiful and that test didn't kill us and exams are almost over. The school year is winding down and the promise of summer has begun to infiltrate our already-distracted minds. It's time to dress in pretty dresses and make cupcakes and cookies and run in the early morning hours and finish up that bucket list, because we've procrastinated too long.

I hope today, you felt mature or different in some way-- in a good way. That you felt the promise of another year of life and the thrill of the knowledge that you're an adult now. It's terrifying, isn't it? But it's also exciting and wonderful and canyoubelieveit?

I love you, and miss you (that's always such an awkward thing to say but it's true!).

Lylatbgaetc MOST EVER. <3

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